Saturday, December 7, 2019

Being One In Marriage

Image result for Doctrine and covenants 38:27

Image result for Adam and Eve lds artBeing one is important in marriage. President Henry B. Eyring has said that “The requirement that we be one is not for this life alone. It is to be without end. The first marriage was performed by God in the garden of when Adam and Eve were immortal. He placed in men and women from the beginning a desire to be joined together as man and wife forever to dwell in families in a perfect, righteous union.” We are meant to be one with our spouses, to work our way through this life together. This is not always easy, but when we work together, we can gain perspective and be happy.

President Eyring also said that “All of us have felt something of both union and separation.” I have only been married for about 7 months, but I have seen the importance of being one with my husband already. Before we were married, I had a lot of alone time where I could just sit and read or watch a show by myself and not worry about anyone else but me. After getting married, all of the time that I would spend by myself my husband is around, making it more difficult to do things by myself. At first, I felt that I had to do everything that we would like to do together. My husband and I are very different people and like very different things. He likes to go outside and camp and race dirt bikes and all of that kind of stuff. Personally, I like to be inside watching a movie, reading a book, or playing games. Since being married we have learned to embrace each other and understand each other’s interests. We have become one by understanding each other’s wants and needs. It can be vital to understand when the others needs are important and when we should put our needs aside.

Image result for Charity the pure love of christ

President Eyring said that “Sometimes in families and perhaps in other settings we have glimpsed life when one person put the interests of another above his or her own, in love and with sacrifice.” This is an amazing thing to witness. This is Charity, the Pure Love of Christ. Christ put our needs first, we should take after his example and put others first.


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